Dob In A Sniffle

Comments on Saturday by Victoria’s Coronavirus ‘Commander’ are a frightening instruction for Victorians who champion freedom, respect, trust and liberty.

With a military title, Commander Jeroen Weimar, has urged people to dob in someone who might be sniffling.

“If your employees are coming to work symptomatically, send them home to get tested immediately. If you’re being served by people who are symptomatic, call them out in the nicest possible way.

“If you’ve got people who are walking around sniffling and saying, “I’ve just got a cold,” ask them if they’ve had a test. That’s the collective response that we need to see,” Weimar told the media.

Member for Western Victoria, Bev McArthur, says it’s the stuff of a Communist dictatorship.

“This is a terrifying new low in Victoria. It talks of a collective, it talks of Big Brother, it talks of a society that we are not,” Mrs McArthur said.

“The Chinese President Xi Jinping would be proud of such an edict.

“The Commander’s words resonate like the Chinese social credits plan – in which individuals’ behaviours are watched and recorded for anything the Chinese Communist Party doesn’t like.

“Anything that distracts from a total kow-tow to the dictatorship is tallied. A good score enables you to have more options, a bad score restricts your social abilities – such as whether you can catch a fast train or a slow train.

“Weimar’s dob-in-a-sniffle comment smacks of mistrust, collective behaviours, and a breakdown of society.

“It is Orwell’s 1984 to the core. ‘Big Brother is watching you’,” she said.

Orwell describes the way in which people lived: `You had to live – did live, from habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinised.’

Mrs McArthur said the dob-in-a-sniffle is a disgraceful way to treat people.

“Too bad for the person serving at a café with a slight sniffle – maybe even hay fever – who may have had multiple COVID tests – and two jabs – to be made to feel like a social leper.

“What legal right do people have to even confront someone? It borders on defamatory.

“This dictatorship in Victoria has treated people as fools, told them lies, hidden the truth, locked them up, kept them down.

“Weimar talks as if COVID-19 was the only illness in town. People got the flu, colds, virus, hay fever, allergies and multiple other ailments that might make them sneeze or sniffle well before coronavirus came to town. And these ailments will keep going.

“Every Victorian I know is desperate for normal life to return. They have subjected to cruel and unnecessary restrictions.

“Victorians are very able to pursue personal responsibility.

“We’re not a communist state – we do not have social credits – yet.

“The Victorian Government has set double standards for policing, now they want individuals to become their police.

"That is not the Australia any decent Victorian wants to live in.

“This Government has used the virus to create a social warp.

“No jab can fix that.

14 June 2021
