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Member for Western Victoria Region, Bev McArthur criticised the State Government for their poor maintenance of regional roads that are endangering her constituents.

An independent analysis commissioned by the RACV deemed that the roads in South West Victoria to be the worst in the State.

Bev McArthur said “The Government solution to dangerous, pothole-ridden roads is Slow Down signs.”

"A long stretch of the Lismore/Pitfield Road bear Wallinduc has deep holes in the road edges and even in the road itself. The Slow Down signs have been in place for several months while the road deteriorates further."

“These road hazards are accidents waiting to happen and cause considerable, costly damage to vehicles, if not injury to motorists.”

“It’s just not good enough that country taxpayers and road users should be treated with such contempt. Slow Down signs are not an excuse for no maintenance of bad roads. Governments would never allow metropolitan taxpayers to endure such appalling roads.”

“And it is not just a matter of fixing the potholes - new roadworks last no time at all before disintegration of the surface occurs. What sort of guarantees, if any, do our road works authorities get from contractors to ensure proper use of taxpayer dollars?” she concluded.

26 September 2019​